The most surprising wines

November 22, 2023

Imagine a world where every sip of wine transports you to a different story, a distant culture, or introduces you to a flavor you've never encountered before.

Wine is much more than a blend of grape varieties; it's a constantly renewed sensory adventure. In this article, brought to you by the Oeni cellar management app (available on iOS and Android), we take you on a journey to discover some of our planet's most astonishing wines. From forgotten grape varieties to revolutionary winemaking methods, get ready to uncork bottles that defy the imagination.

Wines from rare grape varieties: uniqueness in diversity

Lacrima di Morro d'Alba DOCBUSCARETO


The world of wine is full of little-known grape varieties, often overshadowed by the famous Merlot, Chardonnay and Cabernet Sauvignon. And yet, some of the nuggets of the wine world come from varieties such as Tressallier, grown in central France, or Rkatsiteli, native to Georgia, which can withstand the harshest winters.

These wines, like Italy's mysterious Lacrima di Morro d'Alba, with its intense floral aromas, or Greece's charismatic Assyrtiko, with its saline mineral notes, are masterpieces of diversity. They offer a palette of distinct flavors, testifying to the richness of an often underestimated wine heritage.

Unusual winemaking methods: when tradition meets innovation

surprising wine amphora

surprising wine under the sea

surprising orange wine

The magic of wine also lies in the art of making it. Beyond traditional practices, daring winemakers are reinventing the winemaking process.

Have you ever tasted an orange wine? This type of wine, made from white grapes macerated with their skins, seduces with its tannic richness and aromatic complexity. Or what about wines aged in amphora, using ancestral Georgian techniques, which reveal exceptional texture and purity of fruit?

And for the more adventurous, there are even wines aged under the sea, where tidal movements subtly influence the evolution of aromas.

Unexpected terroirs: when wine plays with the elements

Terroir, the alchemy of soil, climate and human know-how, can sometimes create real miracles where we least expect them. From vineyards winding through the dunes of the Sahara to plots nestling on the volcanic slopes of Mount Etna, wine celebrates the power of nature.

Surprising sights in Argentina

Wines from the Canary Islands, for example, express a pronounced volcanic identity, with a singular freshness and minerality. Similarly, wines from high-altitude vineyards in Argentina defy extremes, giving rise to vintages of remarkable elegance and fruit concentration.

These often hostile terroirs are proof that vines can not only survive but thrive in unexpected conditions, producing wines of unforgettable intensity and character.

Innovative design and packaging: the work of art in the bottle

The aesthetics of a wine bottle can sometimes rival the nectar it contains. Visionary designers think of packaging as a foretaste of the sensory experience to come. The trend is towards innovation, with streamlined bottles, interactive labels and even eco-responsible containers that tell a story even before the first sip.

Wines like Australia's "Inkwell", with its ink that dissolves in water to reveal the label, or California's "Blanc de Bleu", with its hypnotic blue, combine visual pleasure with gustatory discovery.

Sustainability and biodynamics: towards a wine in harmony with nature

In a world where environmental awareness is on the rise, wine has a duty to keep pace. Biodynamics and sustainable viticulture are no longer mere trends, but profound commitments for a growing number of winemakers. These practices, which take into account lunar cycles, biodiversity and natural energies, give rise to wines charged with remarkable energy and purity.

biodynamic wine

Estates such as the famous Château de la Vieille Julienne in France and the Benziger vineyards in California are pioneers in this field, producing biodynamic wines that reflect their respect for the land and offer an authentic, unadulterated taste experience.

How to taste and where to find these amazing wines: the art of tasting and searching

Tasting these exceptional wines requires an almost ceremonial approach. It's best to take the time to understand the story behind each wine, to immerse yourself in its origins, and to open yourself up to new sensations. To find these treasures, specialized wine shops, wine fairs and tasting clubs are veritable goldmines.

Online platforms such as Wine-Searcher or Vivino can also guide wine lovers in their quest. It is sometimes possible to meet the winemakers themselves and visit their estates, for an even more immersive experience.

An invitation to a wine journey

Together, we traveled to unusual vineyards, discovered revolutionary manufacturing methods, and explored the impact of design and sustainable commitment in the world of wine. These astonishing wines are not just drinks, but living stories, cultures in a bottle. They invite adventure, discovery and sharing.

So why not go in search of these rare gems and broaden your oenological horizons? Every wine has a soul, and it's an ever-renewed pleasure to set off in search of that soul.

Download Oeni, the wine cellar management and personal sommelier app