Control your inventory at your fingertips

Oeni tracks your cellar's history, stock and aging with precision and simplicity.

  • Add your bottles

    Find your wines easily in a directory of over 40,000 bottles and add them to your Oeni cellar in just a few seconds.

  • Specify vintage

    By adding the vintage of your bottles, Oeni will be able to recommend the ideal moment to open them.

  • Enter their purchase price

    The purchase price of your bottles is a crucial element in tracking your expenses and investments over time.

  • Keep track of your wine stocks

    Oeni lets you know exactly what wines you have in stock and helps you manage them over time. Your cellar will no longer hold any secrets for you.

  • Analyze aging

    Follow the aging phases of each of your bottles to find out their level of maturity and their peak date.

  • Enjoy with the right dish

    Oeni recommends food and wine pairings with over 5,000 dishes to ensure you don't miss a single tasting.

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Your wine cellar is in good hands

Oeni voted best wine cellar management app 2024 (by la

Financial value

Real-time bottle estimates

Ageing phase

Open your bottles at their peak

Cave 3D

Create your virtual cellar easily

Track the financial value of your wine cellar

Oeni analyzes the price of each bottle of wine and tracks its evolution over time.

Measuring expenses

Analyze your expenses, month by month, year by year, to understand and adapt your budget.

Know the value of your cellar

Every month, Oeni recovers the market price of your bottles to continuously update the value of your cellar.

Tracking your capital gains

Oeni keeps you informed of your gains in real time, bottle by bottle, so you don't miss a thing.

A personal and intelligent sommelier

Oeni manages your wine cellar and recommends the right wine at the right time.

  • Search and select a type of dish or a specific dish from our list of over 5,000 food and wine pairings.
  • Oeni tells you immediately if you have at least 1 bottle corresponding to the selected dish.
  • Refine your search by specifying the occasion A wine for every day", "a good dinner with friends" or "for special occasions".
  • Oeni will then analyze your wine cellar to find the perfect match for you. based on food and wine pairings, the aging phases of your bottles and their market value.
  • Oeni offers you its selection of bottles with a recommendation percentage for each. All you have to do is choose.

Customer reviews

Join a club of enthusiasts! Over 100,000 downloads!


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Wines added by our users


Food and wine pairing

Frequently asked questions

Here you'll find all the questions we're asked most often, along with our answers.

Yes, Oeni is a freemium app, which means that part of it is completely free. What's more, you can test the premium features of Oeni Plus free of charge for 30 days.

Don't worry, we're adding new bottles and appellations every month to improve our service. In the meantime, you can also send us a request for an addition specific to your needs directly from the app. We'll take care of it as soon as possible.

Depending on the popularity of the appellation, the estate or the wine, it is sometimes difficult to find prices on the net. However, we are constantly striving to improve our market-scanning technology in order to provide you with the best possible service.

Our database is made up of a multitude of information that we create ourselves and/or retrieve by various means:

  • The data monetized in the application (aging phases, food and wine pairings, etc.) is generated by our own algorithms, which we own after more than a year of research and development.
  • General and public data such as names, photos, appellations, structures, prices etc. are created by hand by our team, retrieved with information shared by our users or via an algorithm and AI, which scour the web in a general way, before being double-checked by us.

No, Oeni is an app available on iOS and Android. A web version will arrive shortly.

Do you have any further questions? Please contact us!

Discover our latest articles

Here you will find all the information you need to manage your wine cellar and download Oeni on iOS or Android.

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Contact us

The entire Oeni team is available and will be delighted to answer your questions.